Toronto-Based Tatik Streetwear Raises $28,000 For Artsakh Through Artist Collaborations

With the goal of uniting Armenian artists worldwide on one platform, Tatik Streetwear has quickly gathered a large following since it was created in April of 2020.

“My mission is being able to create a space where the Armenian culture can be easily integrated into daily life through wearable art,” founder Patil Toutounjian says.

Patil, 27, who was born in Aleppo has been calling Toronto her home for the last nine years. She recently returned from Armenia, where her volunteer experience sparked her interest in connecting the global Armenian community through art. She was inspired to name the brand Tatik (grandmother) as a tribute to Armenian grandmothers whose homes are often the warm central setting of family gatherings.

To date, more than 25 artists have their designs featured on Tatik’s website ( with products ranging from hoodies and t-shirts to bags and phone cases. Masks are one of the most recent additions.

As of Sept. 28, Tatik launched an exclusive Haxteluenq collection ( in support of Artsakh with 100 per cent of profits being donated to Armenia Fund. Donations have been made weekly, with the total reaching $28,000 at the time of writing, not including an additional $11,000 match made by ONEArmenia.

Mosi Minassian is one of Tatik’s contributing artists. He says he is thrilled to see the level of donations and international support garnered since the launch of the limited collection. “My only wish is to see everyone united like this even after this survival challenge comes to an end,” Mosi says.

“Our work continues,” adds Patil. “We will always strive to create avenues to support our homeland and community worldwide.”

To stay up to date on Tatik’s latest initiatives and additions to the collection, follow @Tatik_Streetwear on Instagram or @TatikStreetwear on Facebook.