ACTION ALERT: Remove 2450 Victoria Park Development from June 29-30 Toronto Council Meeting Agenda

The Armenian Community Centre of Toronto (ACC) was only informed on June 25 City Council intended to consider the developer’s latest proposal for 2450 Victoria Park Avenue at its next meeting on Monday, June 29th. The ACC not had a chance to review the developer’s latest proposal or to consult with our experts about how to respond. We are being cut out of the process. Our elected officials are making decisions about our community’s future without listening to what we have to say!

Please take a moment to complete the form below to send an email to Toronto Mayor John Tory and CC Toronto City Councillors to let them know our concerns about the development at 2450 Victoria Park Avenue and for City Council to defer their recommendation on the development to the meeting scheduled for July 28 and July 29, 2020.

Click on the link below and simply type in your name, email and phone and click “Send Now” to automatically send the generated email, or feel free to customize the message as you see fit.

Let’s make sure our city officials do not ignore us. Make your voice heard!