Canada’s Global Affairs Minister François-Philippe Champagne Issued A Statement On The Latest Situation In Nagorno-Karabakh

Minister Champagne has closely followed the developments of the war in Artsakh in the past 40+ days and has been supportive of Armenia. Unfortunately, words alone can’t stop the Turkish-Azeri aggression. We urge Canada to speak up in defence of the Armenian population of Artsakh, its right to self-determination, to closely assess the agreement signed by Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, making sure the rights and interests of Artsakh & Armenia are protected and taken into consideration, mainly:
▫️ The status of Nagorno-Karabakh
▫️ Immediate humanitarian and medical aid
▫️ A lasting, fair and peaceful solution to the conflict acceptable to all parties
▫️ Condemnation of Turkey for its direct involvement in the aggression against Artsakh
▫️ Immediate return to negotiations under the auspices of the OSCE Minsk Group
▫️ Protection of Armenian cultural / historical sites and monuments.