day : 09/06/2020 3 results

Doctor Leaves Family in Germany to Join Armenia’s Fight Against Covid-19

 Arsen Manukyan  (Armradio)- Intensivist Arsen Manukyan has left the family in Germany to joint the fight against coronavirus in Armenia. The doctor now works at Sourb Grigor Lusavorich Medical Center to help treat the critically ill patients. “In late May I read the Health Minister’s call for specialists and realized that already ...

Աշակերտին Մեկուսացումը

Լո­ռի Պէր­պէ­րեան Մտա­ծա՞ծ­ էք ինչ­պէս ա­շա­կերտ մը կը դի­մագ­րա­ւէ այս օ­րե­րու խառն վի­ճա­կը: Քո­րո­նա ժահ­րին բե­րած փո­փո­խու­թիւն­նե­րը իւ­րա­քան­չիւր ա­շա­կեր­տի վրայ տար­բեր ազ­...

Flaneur Of The Present And Past

By Varak Babian Recently, I’ve been trekking down familiar streets using unfamiliar routes; and then sprinkling more steps everywhere in between. I’ve walked down avenues that lead into boulevards, trails that pour into intersections. I’ve walked by parks where visits were once encouraged, then discouraged, then ruled unsafe, and eventu...