day : 16/01/2021 3 results

Armenia’s Oscar Entry ‘Songs Of Solomon’ Acquired By Cloudburst For 2021 Release

Cloudburst Entertainment has acquired rights to Songs of Solomon, Armenia’s official entry for this year’s International Feature Film Oscar race. The drama, directed by Arman Nshanian, who also produced the pic with Oscar-winning Green Book producer and co-writer Nick Vallelonga and Asko Akopyan, will get a 2021 ...

Biden Names Armenian American Ike Hajinazarian As Regional Communications Director At White House

(Arnradio)- Joe Biden has named Armenian American Ike Hajinazarian as Regional Communications Director at the White House. Ike Hajinazarian most recently served as the Western Pennsylvania Regional Press Secretary for the Biden campaign after working on the campaign in communications roles during the primary and general elections in New ...

Տ. Մեղրիկ Եպս. Բարիքեան Վախճանեցաւ

«Թորոնթոհայ»,- Մեծի Տանն Կիլիկիոյ կաթողիկոսութեան միաբանութիւնը կը յայտնէ միաբանութեան աւագ անդամներէն Մեղրիկ եպս. Բարիքեանի վախճանումը։ Տասն օր «քորոնա» ժահրին դէմ անդուլ պայքար մղելէն ...