day : 23/01/2017 5 results

Մարօ Մարտիրոսեանի Յիշատակին

(1943 Հալէպ - 2016 Թորոնթօ) Մարոյին ծնունդը եւ անուանակոչութիւնը հետեւեալ ձեւով կը բացատրէ իր եղբայրը՝ Ալեքսանը. «Փոքր ծրարով աշխարհ եկած այս հոգին, զուգադիպելով Յուլիսի Աստուածածնայ Վերափոխմ...

Armenian Gladys Berejiklian is new Premier of New South Wales

Gladys Berejiklian has outlined her priorities and praised her Armenian migrant parents, saying she “will be governing for everyone,” during her first speech after being voted in as the new leader in New South Wales, ABC News reports. The 46-year-old was sworn in as 45th Premier of NSW this afternoon after being elected unopposed as ...

Danish FM urges to leave Armenian Genocide issue to historians

The Parliament of Denmark is holding a debate on the Armenian Genocide. The issue has been brought to the agenda by Nick Hækkerup (S) , Søren Espersen (DF) , Michael Aastrup Jensen (V) , Henrik Dahl (LA) , Martin Lidegaard (RV) and Naser Khader (KF). Addressing the Parliament, Denmark’s Foreign Minister Anders Samuelsen has said he opposes ...

Cem Ozdemir Speaks in Toronto Marking 10th Anniversary of Dink Assassination

TORONTO, Canada—Over 600 people gathered at the Armenian Community Centre of Toronto on January 22, 2017 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the assassination of Hrant Dink, the prominent Turkish-Armenian journalist and Editor-in-Chief of the bilingual Agos newspaper. Dink was assassinated on January 19, 2007, in front of his newspaper’s ...

Artsakh soldier killed in Azeri firing

The Azerbaijani side violated the ceasefire about 55 times at the line of contact with the Karabakh forces last night, the NKR Defense Ministry reports.  The rival mostly used firearms of different calibers as it fired over 430 shots in the direction of the Armenian positions. The Azeri forces used sniper rifles as they opened intensive firing ...