Spincycle Diaries 2 results

Spincycle Diaries: Que Sera, Sera…

Despite my resistance, the unavoidable has happened. I am now officially, most definitely a not-cool-middle-aged-mom-person. I was still cool when I first had the 10 year old now over a decade ago, when none other than Rob Lowe said he was the cutest thing ever at a very hip Yorkville restaurant – I took it as a personal compliment because of ...

Spincycle Diaries:  Chaos Theory – the explanation for my insanity?

By  Talyn Terzian Gilmour The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result This according to Albert Einstein, one of the smartest human beings to ever walk the earth so it must be right, right?  So if it’s as simple as trying something different each time until you get ...