day : 22/10/2020 7 results

Karabakh Conflict Started With Brutal Crimes Against Armenian People

Russia's President Vladimir Putin takes part in the 17th annual meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club via video link from the Novo-Ogarevo residence. Alexei Druzhinin/Russian Presidential Press and Information Office/TASS (Armradio)- Karabakh conflict started with brutal crimes against Armenian people, Russian President Vladimir Putin told in ...

Օնթարիոյի Խորհրդարանը Միաձայնութեամբ Դատապարտեց Թուրք-Ազրպէյճանական Ռազմական Յարձակումները

Երեսփոխան Արիս Պապիկեան խորհրդանաին մէջ՝ ելոյթի պահուն Չորեքշաբթի՝ 21 Հոկտեմբեր 2020-ին Օնթարիոյի խորհրդարանին մէջ տեղի ունեցաւ 1:15 ժամ տեւողութեամբ քննարկում մը, նիւթ ունենալով թուրք-ազրպէյ...

A Letter to PM Justin Trudeau from Armenian Canadian Community

This letter was written on behalf of the Armenian-Canadian community at large to the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Dear Prime Minister, The undersigned organizations, representing the Armenian-Canadian community, appeal to you and the Government of Canada to condemn the joint Azerbaijani-Turkish aggression against Armenia and ...

A Historic Take Note Session as MPPs Stood in Solidarity with Artsakh

Members of Ontario Provincial Parliament expressed their deep concern over the conflict in Artsakh and stood in solidarity with the Armenian communities of Ontario calling for a peaceful resolution․ (TORONTO- October 21, 2020) A historic take note session occurred today at the Legislature of Ontario as numerous Members of Provincial Parliament ...

New South Wales Legislative Assembly Recognizes the Republic of Artsakh

The largest parliamentary chamber in the largest state of Australia, the New South Wales Legislative Assembly has officially recognized the independence of the Republic of Artsakh. Championed by MP Dr. Hugh McDermott: State Member for Prospect and supported by Mr. Victor Dominello MP on behalf of the Government, the motion which also condemned ...

Seeing No Diplomatic Solution in Sight, Pashinyan Says ‘We Must Fight to the End’

(Asbarez)- In a video message to the nation on Wednesday, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said since Azerbaijan has opted to resolve the Karabakh conflict through military means, there is no diplomatic solution in sight “at least at this stage,” thus “we must fight to the end.” “We have to clearly realize that, at least at this stage ...

Sen. Markey Says ‘No Choice But to Recognize Artsakh’ Since Baku Continues ‘Illegal Use of Force’

WASHINGTON, "Asbarez"—Senator Edward J. Markey (D-Mass) on Tuesday urged Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to seek an immediate ceasefire between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and push for a negotiated resolution to the conflict over Nagorno Karabakh that has been ongoing since late September. On Friday, Secretary Pompeo is scheduled to meet separat...